Green bean seeds can be processed in a variety of delicious food. But keep in mind when processing Green bean seeds so you do not lose their nutritional benefits.
Green bean seeds are included in the group of legumes, in contrast with nuts. In Indonesia, the Green bean seeds are very familiar. A variety of food such as dumplings, compote, slurry can be made from mung bean. Even more special, green bean flour can be used as Green bean seeds or commonly called hunkwe flour. Hunkwe flour used in the manufacture of various types of cakes, traditional ice cream, noodles and glass noodles.
Green bean seeds are also easy to germinate, sprout mung bean sprouts we are familiar with. Green bean seeds in the form of sprouts contain live enzymes amylase one that helps in the metabolism of carbohydrates. In addition to taste the savory and delicious, Green bean seeds and sprouts it has many health benefits.
Source of Protein
Green bean seeds are an alternative source of vegetable protein. Green bean seeds contain a lot of protein tinggise 7 g / 100 g. The protein has a complete amino acid. Proteins in mung bean sprouts have been reduced in number that is only 3 g / 100 g, but the amino acids in free form yangcepat partially absorbed by the body.
Rich in Fiber
Green bean seeds have a high fiber content of about 7.6 g / 100 g. The fiber content is sufficient for your daily fiber by 30%. Fiber is useful to help digestion and prevent constipation (constipation).
Low Carbohydrate
Carbohydrates contained in Green bean seeds is 19 g / 100 g. Low enough and good to be consumed in the diet or body building program (muscle building).
Contains Healthy Fats
Essential fatty acids contained in Green bean seeds are omega-3 (0.9 mg / 100 g) and omega-6 (119 mg / 100 g). Omega 3 is a fatty acid that is useful for lowering blood cholesterol.
Rich in Vitamins & Minerals
Green bean seeds contain folic acid and B vitamins (thiamin) is high, amounting to 0.2 mg / 100 g. It is also rich in other B vitamins, such as riboflavin, B6, Pantothenat acid, and niacin. Vitamins contained in it helps increase the body's energy and metabolism.
Green bean seeds are also rich in minerals, in 100 grams of potassium (266 mg), phosphorus (99mg), manganese (48 mg), calcium (27 mg), magnesium (0.3 mg), iron (1.4 mg), zinc (0.8 mg) and selenium (2.5 g).
Rich Enzyme Active
There is the Green bean seeds were still germinate. Rich in active enzymes like amylase that increases energy absorption and formation. This enzyme will break down at temperatures above 40C. That is why you are advised to avoid cooking at high temperatures.
With nutrients that are very complete, no wonder if the Green bean seeds have great benefits for health. What are the benefits, including the following:
Forming Cells Helps Body
Green bean seeds contain complete protein that helps the formation of the body's cells, ie cells of organs, muscles and brain. Indirectly this role is related to the benefits of improved growth of the body.
Improving Nutrition Absorption
The study revealed that vitamin B deficiency causes gastric emptying time and intestinal two times slower that indicates the difficulty of the process of digestion that occurs so that the possibility of such foods can not be absorbed properly. Mung bean sprouts contain live enzymes that increase the absorption of nutrients in the body's metabolic processes.
Fixing Digestive
Green bean seeds contain high fiber which serves to cleanse the digestive tract, increasing intestinal peristalsis, thereby reducing the time dirt accumulate in the intestines. Fiber also plays a role in lowering the levels of bad cholesterol in the body.
Helps Energy Metabolism
Vitamin B complex is useful to assist the process of growth. Vitamin B deficiency can interfere with the process of digestion, and therefore could be bad for the growth. Vitamin B is part of an enzyme that plays an important role in the oxidation of carbohydrates to convert into energy. Without the presence of vitamin B body will have difficulty in digesting carbohydrates.
Cook Green bean seeds by boiling and should not be mixed with coconut milk to get the healthy benefits. To be more lenient, soak first Green bean seeds overnight, then boiled beans to simmer, then remove from heat. Set aside some time to cool slightly. After it boiled back for a second time with a small flame. Drink boiled water with Green bean seeds to get all of the nutrients
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